

The world this week | Politics & Business

Big, green and mean

Biden’s plan to remake the economy is ambitious, risky, confused and selfish — but it could help save the planet

In the past two years Congress has passed three bills, on infrastructure, semiconductor chips and greenery, that will make $2trn available to reshape the economy. Mr Biden is acting on many fronts, because the only way to build a majority in Congress was to bolt a Democratic desire to act on climate change onto hawkish worries about the threat from China and the need to deal with left-behind places in the American heartland. On its own, each of these concerns is valid. But in terms of policy, the goals will sometimes conflicts with the necessity to bind these concerns together. A giant plan that has so many disparate objectives does not simply succeed or fail. Its full consequences may not become clear for many years. The administration has an answer for its critics (to develop new technologies, build supply chains that less independent on China and drive down the cost of clean sources of energy). America also has significant advantages: a rich internal market, vast landscapes for solar and wind farm, pipelines for transporting hydrogen and reservoirs in which to store carbon. Its universities and venture capital make it a hub for green innovation. The country is already sucking in foreign investment to work alongside the subsidies. And the policies enjoys a degree of political consensus. To help the plan realize its good intentions, three things needs to happen: First, the effort going into boosting domestic industry needs to be matched by a sustained program of trade diplomacy. Second, subsidies should tilt towards technologies that are not yet commercially viable. Third, to build a new subsidized infrastructure, America needs reform of its permit laws. For better or worse, Mr Biden’s blueprint for remaking the economy will change America profoundly.

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The world this week | Politics & Business

The humbling of Goldman Sachs

Being good in a bad industry is not enough

Goldman Sachs has always been seen itself as exceptional. Yet lately the only exceptional thing about the Wall Street icon has been its mistakes. Though the company is not yet in serious trouble, it is trapped by its own mythology. Its recent struggles show how hard it will be to reform — and illustrate a new balance of power in global finance. To understand Goldman today, take a walk down Wall Street. After the financial crisis of 2007-09, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, two big American banks, reinvented themselves. Goldman, stuck to its game of trading, advising on deals and bespoke investing however, badly underperformed the stockmarket for years. The firm’s boss, David Solomon, took over in 2018 and has tried to rebrand himself and to renew the firm by expanding its core and diversifying into new areas. Parts of Mr Solomon’s strategy have paid off. Yet look more closely and the project to remake the bank is vexingly incomplete. As the prospects for a big new earnings machine have receded, everything still rests on the traditional business. Goldman’s struggle point to several lessons. One is that it still excels, but in a bad industry. Another lesson is that it is hard to compete in winner-takes-all digital markets. A final lesson is that the stagnation of globalization has shrunk Wall Street’s horizons. Goldman’s culture of self-regard remains at odds with the facts. Instead it now needs to be critical.

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  1. 动作稳定,手感建立 / 恢复比较快速
  2. 对于后续体会更加高阶的技术或者要领有帮助
  3. 训练能力变实战能力的转化率高
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The world this week | Politics & Business

Disney’s second century

Technology is turning the business of culture upside down

Much of what is written about marketing to today’s most prized consumers is a myth.

  • Start with the idea that, glued to smartphones, Gen Z barely notices the physical worlds and slavishly follows the latest hype from Instagram or TikTok. It is true that the days of marketing chiefly through television, newspapers and magazines are long gone. Yet social media has not just changed the ways in which people discover brands; it has undermined the power of marketing as a whole.
  • There is similar temptation to think that physical shops no longer matter. But what works best is the seamless combination of the digital (virtual) and physical worlds.
  • Don’t assume that all young customers are DiAngelo reading social warriors. Most consider a brand’s sustainability and social impact before checkout.
  • What really matters is avoiding hypocrisy. Avoid platitudes, commit only to causes you can tangibly support and be frank when you are putting profits first.
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The world this week | Politics and Business


The destructive logic that threatens globalisation

Demography | The age of the grandma

As lifespans stretch and fertility falls, the ratio of grandparents to children is higher than ever before. This has big consequences

Global commerce | Shipping forecast

The world’s logistics giants are betting that the future of trade is more high-end — and more Asian

Tuas Mega Port, which sits on a swathe of largely reclaimed land at the western tip of Singapore, is a vision of future on two fronts. Across the planet, the expansion of seaports is becoming tougher, some of which was stopped on environmental grounds. One solution is to make existing logistics networks more efficient rather than merely larger. However, streamlining supply chains only gets you so far. At some point, new capacity will be needed. One way to achieve it is by reclaiming land from the sea. Many ports are too deep for land reclamation to be viable. Some are therefore deciding to build upwards. BoxBay’s “high-bay” storage system makes it practical compared to conventional set-ups. If you cannot build out or up, another option is to build elsewhere. That explains the rising popularity of island “dry ports”. All the dry-port development in Asia points to the second force reshaping the ports business: the shift of its center of gravity eastwards. Investments by shipping giants are pointing in the same eastward direction. This time, the future looks leaner, smarter — and more eastern.

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  1. 当提前进入窄道,而对面有来车时,可以在对方没进来之前打双闪 (也即远近光交替)
  2. 万一对方占理不让道 (比如我单行道逆行违反交规) 应该降速或停车。等两车相遇时,下车并“真诚地”表示自己是新手,不太敢退,(以及夜路等添油加醋),然后麻烦对方让一下;当车道足够两辆车并行通过时,可以选择靠边停车不动,同样表达新手不敢开示弱 (正常情况下会车发生刮擦,静止不动的车不负责任)
  3. 以上方法都不适用时,老老实实倒车
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Selected Articles

The world this week

Exit wave

Wind power | Northern delight

Bartleby | New year, new you

Buttonwood | Once again, with feeling

Genetic engineering | Healing nature

American lawmaking | The secret is out

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  1. CSS 盒模型 | Shaw


我们在 HTML 学到很多元素有默认的 display 属性,例如 <p><ul><li><img> 等默认为 block,而<a><em><strong> 等默认为 inline,这些都是元素的外部显示类型

这一节我们将继续深入学习 display 属性,重点了解 flexgrid,它们可以改变元素的内部显示类型,是了解网页布局的重点。


  • 块级元素宽度为其父元素的100%,同时另起一行
  • 内联元素会跟随内联元素,遇到宽度不足的情形则自动换行
  • 大致的图景是块级元素从上到下依次排列,块级父元素的内联子元素先从左到右横向排列,宽度不足以放下时自动换行,接着还是从左到右横向排列

然后我们将学习浮动 float 和定位 position 属性。它们或者改变正常布局流,或者将元素从当前布局中抽离,放置到在另一个图层中

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  1. CSS 基础 ⭐ 盒子模型 | Shaw
  2. CSS 基础 ⭐ 内联盒子与块级盒子 | Shaw



首先我们将讲到标准盒模型以及替代盒模型,两者很好区分,所以这部分并不难;然后我们研究构成盒模型的四要素(此处会填之前埋下的关于速记属性的一个坑);我们还会讲到 display 属性,为之后学习更加复杂的布局排版作铺垫

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